Diazepam 5mg is a drug containing diazepam ingredient that is relatively common for mental health problems such as anxiety, insomnia, prolonged stress, agitated mood… So what is Diazepam 5mg drug? What is the dose? The following article will help readers gain more knowledge related to Diazepam.
1. General information about the drug Diazepam 5mg
Diazepam is a drug of the psychotropic group 1.4 benzodiazepines with the ability to improve stress, anxiety and agitation markedly, used as a sedative to help sleep. In addition, Diazepam 5mg is also beneficial for anticonvulsants, helping to relax muscles. Because of these effects, Diazepam is often indicated for the short-term treatment of chronic anxiety and stress problems and serves as both a premedication and topical treatment for withdrawal. alcohol.
As explained by scientists, when entering the body, Diazepam will bind to specific receptors in the central nervous system as well as special peripheral organs, forming benzodiazepine receptors. These receptors will function intimately with the receptors of the Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (or GABA) transmission system. Thanks to this action, the GABA transmission system will be inhibited.
On the market today, in addition to Diazepam 5mg tablets, Diazepam drugs also have many other forms / strengths, including:
Diazepam 2mg tablets. Diazepam 10mg tablets. Diazepam is a solution for injection with a concentration of 5mg/ml or 10mg/2ml.
2. Pharmacokinetics of Diazepam
The best way to absorb Diazepam is through the gastrointestinal tract, because this is the way to help the body absorb Diazepam completely. In about 30 minutes to 2 hours after dosing, the plasma concentration of Diazepam will rise rapidly. Besides the gastrointestinal tract, Diazepam 5mg can also be infused into the body in other ways such as:
Intramuscular injection: depending on the injection site, the speed as well as the amount of diazepam absorbed by the body will be different. together. Delta muscle injection: rapid absorption of diazepam, in most cases completely absorbed. Enema: diazepam can also be given through an enema with a relatively rapid rate of absorption, while also ensuring almost complete absorption of the drug. Upon entering the body, Diazepam is rapidly bound to plasma proteins with a volume of distribution of about 0.95 – 2 liters per kg of body weight and the current age of the patient when taking the drug. In particular, Diazepam is a lipophilic substance, so it will quickly move and dissolve into the cerebrospinal fluid. In addition, Diazepam and some major metabolites will cross the placenta and be excreted in breast milk.
In the body, Diazepam 5mg is metabolized mainly in the liver. After this process, Diazepam is converted to many metabolites such as N-desmethyl diazepam (or nordiazepam), oxazepam and temazepam which are present in the urine as glucuronide. However, only about 20% of these pharmacologically active metabolites remain in the urine during the first 72 hours.
Diazepam after being absorbed will be eliminated mainly through the kidneys and part of the bile depending on the function of the two organs, as well as the age of the patient.
For infants, metabolism and elimination of diazepam will take place much slower than in children and adults. For the elderly, the drug also has a metabolism + elimination rate 2 to 4 times higher than that of young people. Elimination of diazepam is also prolonged in patients with impaired renal or hepatic function.
3. Diazepam 5mg and precautions during use
Diazepam 5mg should be especially careful when used with people who are having problems with liver function, kidney, lung disease, angle-closure glaucoma or damage to the brain, arteriosclerosis… In addition, the drug Diazepam 5mg or other types of Diazepam in general are contraindicated for the following groups of subjects:
Patients with myasthenia gravis or severe respiratory failure. The patient is in a state of fear and phobia. Do not use drugs to treat depression/anxiety combined with major depressive disorder alone, as Diazepam may increase the risk of suicide in this patient population. Do not use the drug in the treatment of patients with chronic psychosis, amnesia, or patients with bereavement because of the potential for depression of psychological adjustment. The use of diazepam is very limited to pregnant or lactating women under 6 months of age, because the drug can cross the placenta or be excreted in breast milk, leading to neurological defects. sutras for young children.

4. What is the dose of Diazepam 5mg?
Depending on the age and psychiatric condition for which Diazepam 5mg is indicated, patients may have some recommended doses as follows:
Diazepam 5mg Adult dose:
For safety effects You should take about 2 – 10mg / day, corresponding to 1 – 2 tablets of Diazepam 5mg / day depending on the doctor’s prescription, should be divided into several times a day. For the treatment of symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, initially you need to take 2 Diazepam 5mg tablets / time, within the first 24 hours you should take 3 times, each time is 6 to 6 hours apart. After the first day, you can reduce to 1 tablet / time, 3 times a day. For the treatment of muscle spasms or epilepsy in adults, Diazepam 5mg is usually prescribed from 1-2 tablets per day and should be divided into several times (about 3-4 times) taken daily. Diazepam 5mg Pediatric Dosage:
Children usually need to split Diazepam 5mg to take orally in the following dosages:
To treat epilepsy, the dose ranges from 0.1 to 0.3mg of the drug per kg of muscle mass. body. To treat muscle spasms, children need about 0.12 to 0.8mg/day per kg body weight. In fact, Diazepam 5mg is very rarely indicated for children because of the relatively high content of Diazepam in each tablet. Instead, diazepam 2mg or solution for injection is more commonly used.
It can be said that Diazepam 5mg is a drug with sedative effect and combats many mental problems such as anxiety, stress,… However, you should not overdo the drug but need to combine it. more psychotherapy.
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